In terms of utilizing the healing power of nature, the Chinese turn to a healing technique known as acupuncture which dates back as far back as 2,500 years ago.
Acupuncture stands on an ancient Chinese belief that the body is composed of mystical streams of energy. In western medicine, this refers to our nerves that are all the connected to each other. The nerves of the toe may be beside the shoulder nerves. So when you stimulate the nerves associated with your toe, you also stimulate your shoulder nerves. Therefore, the stimulation of one nerve will mean the stimulation of another.
No acupuncturist worth his salt will tell you acupuncture is a miracle cure for being overweight or obese. What it actually does is that it targets the symptoms that may be contributing to your weight problem. This means acupuncture can help you lose weight easily and effectively..
One such symptom or factor for weight gain is stress. This has been determined to be a major reason for people gaining weight. There are individuals who are compelled to overeat when they are in serious stress; for them overeating helps reduce stress. With acupuncture, stress can be relieved helping the person control his/her appetite and helping him/her to feel relaxed and calm.
Ultra thin acupuncture needles are used to target specific acupuncture points in the person. This stimulates the brain to produces and release neurotransmitters known as endorphins to the bloodstream that helps the person feel relaxed and calm.
A person’s metabolism and digestive function can also be affected by the flow of endorphins in the bloodstream. When acupuncture is given, both the metabolism and digestive system can function efficiently, allowing the body to burn more calories faster.
When you first visit a licensed acupuncturist to help reduce weight, your acupuncturist will first evaluate your health status. Your pulse is checked as well as your tongue and abdomen.
Acupuncturists consider the mouth as an important factor if you want to lose weight especially if you’re a heavy smoker or an impulsive eater.
For people who still eat even if they’re already satiated, the acupuncturist will focus on the abdomen and check on the endocrine system in cases of weight gain combined with edema or water retention.
The spleen is targeted for treatment if the problem pertains to a sugar imbalance, the thyroid, for slow metabolism, and the kidneys for neural and hormonal imbalances. Besides traditional acupuncture, other powerful acupuncture techniques can be used including electro-stimulation. After they are inserted, the needles are left to stay in the patient’s body for around 30 to 45 mins.
The patient is also taught how to apply pressure again on the treated acupuncture points afterwards when , for example, the strong urge to eat or smoke comes back again.
Besides acupuncture, Chinese doctors also recommend Chinese herbal medicine as well as lifestyle and diet changes to help one lose weight. Stress relieving activities such as meditation, yoga and slow breathing exercises are also recommended to help better manage stress.
Acupuncture has been practiced for well over 2,500 years and it is a treatment that helps promote many benefits to health. The patient needs to be determined and consistent enough, though, to make this treatment work well.
It may not be some kind of a miracle cure for weight gain but acupuncture does help address the issues that are responsible for you putting on weight. This helps break the vicious cycle of eating too much because of extreme stress. Acupuncture helps bring about a normal flow of energy throughout the body for better overall health.