There is a Natural and Effective Approach to the Treatment of Back Pain

One of the most common reasons why patients seek-out acupuncture is for the relief of painful conditions. This may include pain in the back caused by arthritis, joint pain and chronic pain, particularly in the lower back. For a lot of individuals, Chinese medicine and acupuncture have been powerful treatment regimens for pain. But how do they work, and will it work you?

Pain, According to traditional Chinese Medicine

Joint and/or musculoskeletal pain is known as bi syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Bi based on the terminology of TCM, means blockage. This obstruction will manifest symptomatic qualities that result in hot, fixed or stabbing pain. Certain people find that exercise or movement can help with pain. Others, on the other hand, get better after resting. Several forms of joint and musculoskeletal disorders are classified arranged into a subcategory of bi syndrome. The correct Chinese herbal and acupuncture protocol that issued will depend on the accuracy of the diagnosis of bi the patient suffers from as well as the obstruction of blood and qi in the problematic part of the body.

Acupuncture for Back Pain Treatment

Acupuncture’s goes is to deactivate and eliminate the trigger points that cause back pain. Trigger points are the parts of the body where the inflammation and blockages are located. The patient’s pattern of pain will determine the placement of the needles. The use of both Chinese medicine and acupuncture treats a condition in two ways:

1. The treatment reduces first the inflammation as well as the stagnation and congestion of blood and energy. This leads to the alleviation of pain.

2. the next step is to boost the circulation of blood and energy to restore nourishment to the muscles, discs and tendons and help the patient go back to a subtle, more mobile state.

Based on TCM theory, certain muscles will manifest the patterns of pain patterns in parts of the body that may not be related to the inflammation and obstruction. A qualified and licensed acupuncturist will know where the trigger points are located in order to deactivate them and will have knowledge in knowing detecting the patterns of pain. This acupuncturist can then proceed to treatment using needles inserted into both the distal and nearby acupoints of the affected region of the body. This will stimulate the meridians and to bring pain relief to the affected regions. This will, at the same time address the more profound reason of the cause of the pain.

Studies Show that Acupuncture is a Proven Effective Treatment for Back Pain

A study done recently and posted in the Archives of Internal Medicine demonstrates that acupuncture is a much better treatment for back pain compared to conventional modalities. This study, subsidized by the NIH or National Institutes of Wellness, classified 640 subjects into four groups. One group was given placebo treatment while two groups were given acupuncture. The last group was the control group which was allowed to continue whatever type of conventional treatment they were undergoing prior to the study.

At the end of seven weeks, all the three 3 groups who received acupuncture (including the placebo treatment) experienced substantial and greater improvement in their back pain compared to the ones who were under conventional forms of treatment.

With regards to the efficacy of acupuncture even used as a placebo treatment, questions were raised about how acupuncture truly works and how it is so effective in triggering recovery. About 61% of the acupuncture-treated subjects showed significant improvement while only 39% of group given conventional treatment should meaningful improvements in their back pain.

Why not try Acupuncture for Low Back Pain?

There are about 86% of people in the United States who will experience back pain at least once in their lifetime. This will translate into health care expenses totaling $40 billion each year just for back pain treatment. People who have suffered from this exhausting and chronic condition are ware that good and safe treatments are needed for their condition. Acupuncture is quite a safe and inexpensive way to help them overcome their back pain. With proof of its effectiveness people suffering from this debilitating condition can find some hope of relief with acupuncture and Chinese medicine.