Tag Archives: Chinese Medicine

Gua Sha, A Chinese Medicine Gift To Keep You Well During The Winter Months

When combined with acupuncture, gua sha therapy can be a good treatment and mode of prevention for the flu, common cold, asthma, bronchitis and acute and chronic pain. To apply Gua Sha, a massage oil is applied on the skin for lubrication, then a smooth edged tool is utilized to rub or scrape the areas of treatment. Administering this frees the toxins that have been building up in the body, bringing them up toward the skin surface. However, the scraping process produces bruise like marks that dissipate within a few days. The harshness of the bruising will indicate the amount of toxins that were released, as well as the stuck or stagnated energy in the energy channels, meridians muscles in the body.

Gua Sha relieves pain, eliminates stagnation, alleviates stress, regulates metabolism, normalizes organ function, detoxifies the body and strengthens the immune system. At the first indication of a sore throat or cold symptoms, we highly recommend a session of Gua Sha. Early treatment can reinforce the immune system and stop a flu or cold in its tracks. It can also help stave off sickness in advance of the cold season and all year-round.

Three Great Suggestions for a Healthy Winter

  1. Chinese Herbs – Strengthen your immune system by using Chinese Herbs that shorten the duration of a cold and relieve its symptoms.
  • Hot Water with lemon – Detoxify your body by drinking hot water with lemon every morning. Besides keeping you healthy, hot water with lemon can also help you lose weight and improve your digestion.
  • Cover the Feng Men (Wind Gate) or Bl 12 acupoint – This acupoint is found in your upper back and according to traditional Chinese medicine wind gate external pathogenic elements infiltrate the body via this point. To keep you healthy and protected during the colder months, keep this part of the body covered with a hood or scarf.

Chinese Medicine And The Cure For Malaria

The cure for malaria was developed by an academic institution found to have been recorded in ancient Chinese Medicine texts over 5000 years ago.

Itwas very encouraging news when dried plant leaves totally cured all 19 patients with malaria who were on the verge of death. However, there was one part of the story that was never reported: this same treatment that the institution claimed to have “developed” actually has already existed for 5000 years and used by ancient practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

A medical doctor at a Congo clinic who was treating 19 people stricken with malaria was discouraged when the conventional drugs failed to heal them. The patients, was age ranged from 13 months to 62 years old, had reached the severest stage of the disease, which was characterized by pulmonary edema, convulsions, respiratory distress and a loss of consciousness. One patient, a five-year-old had even gone into a coma. Thedoctor,fed up with using the conventional treatment of intravenous artesunate that didn’t work, decided to try a never before used and not yet sanctioned malaria therapy involving the use of a dried leaf from the Artemisia annua plant.

Shockingly, all 19 patients experienced a total recovery within a period of just five days, and blood tests revealed there were no more parasites in their blood. While the academic institution immediately took credit for developing the cure, the fact is that the same herb, called Qing Hao was being used by the Chinese for thousands of years as a way to cure diseases such as malaria. Actually, it seems even in a TCM document that was written in the 1500s, the institution’s in helping the lives of these people should not be downplayed, although it would be fairly more accurate for them to stay they sort of “rediscovered” this cure instead of having developed it.

Couldmodern plants treat different types of diseases?

Just consuming the plant’s leaves was all it took for the people to be cured to this oftentimes fatal illness, which affects the circulatory and systems and liver, and is transmitted via mosquito bites. Compare this to the new vaccine for malaria, which is being developed by University of Tubingenresearchers. This involves the injecting of the malaria pathogens into healthy volunteers. The pathogens entered the body where they accumulate in the liver. These individuals must then take an anti-malarial medication that allegedly weakens the parasites when they enter the bloodstream. What kind of treatment when you prefer?

There is replete with medicinal plants that can naturally cure a wide variety of illnesses, but you won’t hear much about it in the media. Why not? Because Big Pharma’s vast reach and its billions of dollars are utilized to keep these herbs away from the public consciousness and at the same time promote their drugs that are merely designed to address the symptoms and not the underlying cause of the disease. This is evident in the way big Pharma treats the cannabis plant, a plant that has a wide variety of uses from the treatment of anxiety to the relief of chronic pain and even autism. One other herb known as cat’s claw bark, is largely unknown in the US but is widely used in in South America to help treat leukemia, leukemia and breast and lung cancer. Instead of this plant being used extremely deadly and invasive therapies such as chemotherapy and mammograms are heavily promoted because they rake in billions of dollars for the pharmaceutical cartel.

With almost half 1 million people dying from malaria in 2015 alone and resistant forms of malaria turning up in Europe and Africa,the potential of Qing Haoto save literally hundreds of thousands of lives is just incredible.

Chinese Medicine And Treatment Of Type 2 Diabetes

In most countries of the world, especially in Western countries, diabetes is a very serious problem. Modern Western medicine is mainly used to address this disease but this doesn’t mean Eastern medicine isn’t reliable in controlling or even curing this disease. TCM or Traditional Chinese medicine actually can be a more effective treatment for diabetes compared to the drugs prescribed by a doctor.

According to TCM, an imbalance affecting the movement of one’s Chi in the body causes diabetes. The Chi, which is sometimes called the ‘life force,’ is the energy channels (meridians) and organs responsible for sustaining good health. An imbalance produces heat inside the body, resulting in such symptoms as:

• Unexplained loss of weight
• Slow healing of wounds
• Overeating
• Mood changes
• Lethargy
• Fatigue, tiredness
• Urination
• Excessive thirst
• Foggy vision

For over two thousand years, Chinese medicine has been treating diabetes. Since people have different constitutions, treatments may vary according to patient. However, the governing principles remain the same.

The objective is to resort balance to the life force/Chi in order for the body function properly. Treatment may include:

• Meditation
• Exercise
• Dietary changes
• Chinese herbal therapy
• Acupuncture

The therapy can help get your blood circulating smoothly so that your internal temperature returns to balance and oxygen can travel to each part of your body as you regain lost fluids.

Chinese medicine is a holistic treatment which means practitioners looks at your body as a whole rather than simply focusing on one spot. Only by brining the body back into alignment can health be restored.

The human body has 12 meridians that correspond to the 12 major organs. A person’s Chi must circulate properly through the meridians to maintain wellbeing. Acupuncture can be used to repair the problem when one or more are meridians out of sequence. To help make your Chi circulate smoothly, needles need to be inserted into some of the 361 various acupuncture points along the meridians. If needles won’t work or if you are scared of them lasers, acupressure, and magnets can also do the same job.

In Chinese medicine, the blood feeds your tissues and organs. Problems only occur when you have insufficient or congealed blood. Blood that coagulates can result in swelling, tumors, cysts, swelling, and pain in the organs (e.g. your heart, spleen, or liver).

Aside from blood, saliva, urine, sweat, tears, and other fluids moisten both the external and interior parts of your body. You may feel drier than normal and become hot when there’s not enough fluid in your body. The spleen, kidneys, and lungs are responsible for allocating fluids on areas where they’re needed.

One other form of Chinese medicine that can help treat various diseases is Qigong. It’s mainly used to balance the connection between body and mind. To calm people and make them feel better breathing techniques and meditation may be used. If it’s focused properly, your mind can potentially perform remarkable things.

If you have diabetes you don’t have to necessarily rely on western medications. If you follow the correct protocols the same way you would for Western medicine, Eastern medicine can be very good and effective alternative. Towards any treatment that can help, always keep an open mind towards any because you’ll never know what will or won’t work. You have nothing to lose so long as it’s not dangerous.

You can take control of type 2 diabetes and take back your health. This is not a disease you have to live with. Traditional Chinese medicine can potentially be the answer you’ve been waiting for.

The “Healing Sounds” Of Chinese Medicine

These days, we’re far more aware of the ideas of sound frequencies, the continuous vibrating state of sounds, and the sounds of all matter in the universe. To peer inside the human body, eliminate kidney stones and gall stones, unlock and search for oil, or search other secret hidden deep inside the earth, we know use the technology of ultra sound waves.

It may seem that sound frequencies are totally unrelated to the healing of the body but in Chinese medicine, there are various very old fantastic ways to cure and heal the body that are rarely known today. One such healing method is called “The Six Syllable Secret” or the “The Six Healing sounds”.

The initially three of these sounds were “SHHHHH,” “WUUUUUU,” and “SSSSSS” for the liver, kidneys, and lungs respectively. Then, we need to discuss the last three sounds for the spleen, heart, and Triple B, which is a vital system for balancing energy.

The Six Sounds

1. The Spleen – When doing the sound of the spleen, you need inhale deeply, then breathe out and utter the sound WHOOOOOOOOOO. Deeply breathe in into the abdomen, pancreas, and spleen while visualizing a yellow and bright light with the aspects of musical creation, compassion, and fairness entering them. Perform this sound three to six times.

2. The Heart – When doing the sound for the heart, you need to first perform some few deep inhalations, then shut your eyes and become cognizant of your heart. You can start producing the sound for the heart after a few breaths by leaning your head back while looking up, then upon breathing out, you utter the sound HAWWWWWWWWWWWW.

Between each repetition, take a short rest and perform a few normal breaths. While your eyes are kept shut, visualize a bright red color along with the aspects of creativity, honor, sincerity, and joy with each inhalation entering your heart. Do omit this as this is a very important step.

Perform the sound for the heart for three to six 6 times. If you suffer from heart pains, heart disease, swelling in the tongue or gums, or have cold sores or a sore throat, or if you’re encountering jumpiness or moodiness, or to detoxify the heart, you need to perform this exercise nine to 36 times.

Make this sound nine to 36 times if you’re also desirous of detoxifying your spleen or have diarrhea, nausea, or indigestion. This sound is healthier and more effective than taking antacids. This is the sound that can be done right after eating.

3. The Triple Burner. The triple burner sound is a very simple sound. It is similar to the word “He” but the “e” sound is prolonged for the rest of the breath. This is the sound HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. The sound for the Triple Burner, as with the other sounds, needs to be uttered “sub vocally” or very softly which means you need only to exhale and open your mouth as if making the sound, but without vibrating the vocal chords or actually making a sound. The sound for the triple burner can help normalize heartbeat and Chinese martial artists often use it to help slow down their heartbeat during strenuous exercises or either after or during or a fight.

The triple burner sound may also be helpful in the treatment of insomnia. It can be performed for three to nine repetitions per set. For each set, repeat several times if you need to calm down your entire system or to help slow your heart.

Cupping Therapy Is An Excellent Cure For Diseases Related To Pain

Cupping therapy has been used by countless number of people since time immemorial. It is a multi-millennial healing therapy mostly used to relieve pain. There are no records on how this therapy actually originated but because of its versatility and extreme effectiveness, it is widely used in several parts of the world for various types of illnesses.

Cupping therapy is a method in which cups are applied on the skin. The cups are used to generate low pressure on the skin. This eventually leads to the curing of certain types of diseases. A mechanical or heating device can also be used during the treatment as a way to enhance the flow of blood in the body. Cupping is a perfect treatment for various types of diseases related to pain.

This therapy’s healing mechanism is fairly simple. It generates a low pressure area on the skin causing the blood flow to increase within the tissues. This boost in circulation increases the supply of nutrients to the bones and muscles of the body.

This increased circulation provides additional strength to the bones and muscles. The strength neutralizes the uncomfortable effects of pain. Cupping is a very effective treatment for back pain. Millions of people in the US are suffering from back pain due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Back pain can occur when the spinal cord becomes weak. Cupping therapy can cure back pain related to weak vertebrae through the application of heated cups on various parts of the back where pain is felt. The cups are oftentimes placed on specific points on the body known as acupuncture points.

The low pressure generated by cupping is extremely beneficial in helping increase the flow of blood into the tissues of the body and this increases the amount of nourishment received by the tissues and cells in the body. This leads to the betterment of the spinal muscle’s overall capacity and function.

Cupping works quite well in the treatment of neck pain. According to Chinese medicine, there are five lines in the energy channels or meridians of the body. The cups are usually applied along these lines. The fire and heat from the cups are meant furnish energy on various acupuncture points on the skin.

Cupping therapy is usually done by an experienced and qualified therapist or practitioner. Anyone can avail themselves of this treatment if they require relief from diseases such as rheumatism, migraines, fatigue, stiff muscles, neck pains, etc. Cupping therapy is indeed an ideal treatment for these diseases.