How Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs Completely Cure Acne

Every type of acne basically starts with one basic lesion: the comedo. This is a hair follicle that has been enlarged and filled with bacteria, dead skin cells, and oil. Chinese medicine typically views acne as the result of the environmental force of heat. In Chinese medicine, acne is termed “lesion of the lung wind” or “fei feng fen hsi.”

According to Chinese medicine, the skin is intimately associated with the lung organ. It relies on the lungs to furnish the “essential substances of grains and water.” In turn, the skin can affect the normal process of respiration, as can be evidenced when cold and evil wind (feng) gain access into the body via the sweat-pores.

Basically, Chinese medicine classifies acne into three types: the phlegm-accumulation type, the toxic-heat type, and the blood-heat type. The primary signs and symptoms of the phlegm-accumulation type are: a slippery pulse, a tongue with greasy and white coating, and cystic and indurative acne. For the toxic heat type, the foremost signs and symptoms are: a rapid pulse, red tongue with yellow coating, furuncles and abscesses on the face, acne, scattered inflammatory nodules and malar flush. The primary signs and symptoms of the blood-heat-type are: a rapid pulse, tongue with reddish tip and yellow and thin coating, and acnes, tubercules, and red papules with inflammatory infiltration around them, accompanied by a burning sensation.

Specific Chinese herbs can cure acne when given at the earliest stages of the disease. A Chinese herbal formula known as the Acne Formula is made up of two parts: preparation and prescription of ingredients. According to the prescription, preparations refer to the types of herbs prepared. They may include pillets, jelly, powder, pills, soup, etc. Through the application of a well prepared treatment plan, acne can be completely cured.