Acute bronchitis is a condition that often occurs after a person has contracted a respiratory infection. The infection causes the inflammation of the air passages of the lungs resulting in symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, fever, fatigue, cough that is productive, chest pain that initially affect the sinuses, nose, and throat and then, later on, spread into the lungs. People who are most susceptible to bronchitis include people who have a heart or lung problem, smokers, infants, young children, and the elderly. Conventional modes of treatment for bronchitis include prescription meds for the wheezing or coughing, steam therapy, fluids, and rest. One extremely safe, effective and natural treatment for bronchitis is acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine healing procedure that involves the use of sterile thin needles inserted at various parts in the body known as acupoints. Acupuncture was developed in China more than 3,000 years ago. It was designed to help prevent disease, balance the body, treat illness, and improve health. Through needles acupuncturists activate the acupoints with the aim of stimulating the patient’s life force energy known as qi or chi and signal the patient’s brain to release chemicals and hormones that alleviate pain and boost health. This alternative therapy has just recently become a widely accepted form of treatment in the United States even though it has been used by practitioners in Asia for thousands of years.
Studies have proven that acupuncture therapy can relieve the symptoms of bronchitis. The Chinese medical journal, Zhongguo Zhen Jiu (2007 issue), published a study that observed the short and long-term effects of acupuncture in 200 patients with bronchitis. Some of these patients were given acupuncture treatment during the three hottest periods of the year (the periods in which most bronchitis cases occur). Compared to the 100 subject who just made some changes to their lifestyle, the patients given acupuncture treatment showed better short and long-term improvement in their symptoms.
When coming in for acupuncture treatment for the first time, your acupuncturist may ask you a series of questions pertaining to your current lifestyle, family and medical history, symptoms, and complaint. After that, the practitioner will then feel your pulse and observe your tongue and from his/her observations will develop a Chinese medical diagnosis. You then will need to lie comfortably on a table or bed as the practitioner sticks the tiny acupuncture needles at certain acupoints on your body. These acupoints maybe located on your chest, feet, hands, legs or arms. He/she may use other therapies such as cupping therapy, gua sha, or Chinese massage. As the needles take effect, you will be able to relax or feel reenergized during the course of the treatment. The entire treatment may take 20 minutes to a full hour.
Before you decide on going for acupuncture treatment, be sure to talk to your doctor first. If your acupuncturist is unqualified or not properly trained, even if acupuncture is generally considered safe and rarely causes adverse side effects, you may experience pain, discomfort or bruising at the site where a needle is inserted. Try conventional bronchitis treatments first before you start using acupuncture, if you are looking for a qualified and skilled practitioner, you can ask for referrals from your doctor, family members, or friends who have tried and gotten well with acupuncture.