Similar to Tai Chi and Taoism, Qi gong is an ancient Chinese practice that has been passed down by qigong masters from one generation to the next. No one knows how it actually began. What is known though is that it has been kept a secret by and for the Chinese elite and their initiates and is very much cloaked in mysterious rituals.
Since the modern age, however, the exercises of qigong have become very popular worldwide. Its name is derived from two Chinese words Qi, which refers to the vital energy flowing in the universe and within the body of a person and Gong, which means skill or accomplishment that is refined through constant practice. This practice is a powerful way to make people more “powered” in a certain sense. Qi gong is made up of light movements and breathing exercises. Its benefits have been acknowledged by a lot of practitioners who have experienced them during practice.
Qi gong can be used to treat various types of ailments. It can help relieve and manage stress, boost the immune and nervous systems, cleanse the entire body including the muscles, skin, circulation, bones, and internal organs, foster a sense of well being, and eliminate or relieve pain. While this practice has extra advantages, these aforementioned benefits are the major and better known ones.
The vital energy workouts are grounded on an ideology of nature. Practicing qi gong has been known to tap in energy from the cosmos or the entire universe, the sky, the oceans, the sun, earth and several other natural sources. This feeling of connection to the cosmos is an integral part of the entire Qi gong philosophy. It is also a major factor in the art of meditation.
Meditation entails a specific kind of focus within a tranquil environment. Meditation qi gong can be facilitated by meditative sounds. The power of qi is believed to be strengthened through meditation and the movements of qi. In their original form, some of the principles behind the practice of qi gong can be a bit difficult to comprehend. These days, however, there are so many programs that have new contrived forms of qi gong. These are mostly simplified qi gong movements, which means, the principles are a bit easier to understand even for those not acquainted with spiritual techniques. Whatever type of qi gong exercise you choose, make sure you select the ones that best fit your needs.
Qi gong exercises practice can also be combined with Tai chi and other techniques of the same nature. These are softer versions of martial arts that can help nurture the soul and at the same time improve the body.