Cooling Herbs To Reduce Hot Flashes And Relieve Menopause Symptoms

Menopause may not be a disease but its annoying symptoms can last several years. All treatments for menopause symptoms are currently focused on hormone treatments. Menopause experts after the WHI or Women’s Health Initiative study of 2002 have been constantly debating about the benefits of bio-identical hormones and the risks of synthetic hormones.

Today, women in menopause are searching for safer hormone therapies to address their menopausal symptoms without understanding the bottom-line: that hormonal therapies are merely ephemeral solutions and permanent cures for the symptoms of menopause.

Menopause is the result of a woman’s aging process when multiple systems in her body begin to degenerate. So, the mainstream approach of one-chemical therapy has its limits; it masks the symptoms without really getting into the root of the problem. The benefits of hormone therapy disappear once the patent stops taking the hormones. Therefore, the patient is required to take hormones for several years during her transition. This is similar to a roof that is leaking and every day you keep on wiping the wet floor when it rains without fixing the hole on the roof.

What menopausal treatments can give you lasting benefits?

Exercise and a healthy diet is essential, although sometimes they may not be adequate enough to relieve your hot flashes. If you prefer using fewer synthetics herbs and lots of natural ingredients you can avail of the true Chinese tradition of thousands of years: using cooling herbs to mitigate those hot flashes.

Hot flashes can be the result of hot body systems. Taking an herbal cooling remedy is the same as pouring cold water into your body to offset your hot temperature. This balanced body temperature can be long term if you lower your intake of sugar and fat. But if those hot flashes return after weeks or months, it may be because the systems of your body have accumulated heat; this herbal remedy can be repeated many times to help cool the hot systems in your body. To cool down your hot flashes related to your menopause, you may need several months of herbal treatments.